Staff Complaints
As a staff member, you can make a complaint about a student through MyWaikato. If your complaint is about another staff member, please contact your HR Advisor.
Before you proceed with a complaint through MyWaikato please ensure you understand the following
- Complaints made through MyWaikato require evidence of the complaint
- Complaints made by staff will be assessed under the Student Discipline Regulations
- You will need to make a complaint within a timely manner, especially if it relates to an academic matter
- Anonymous complaints will not be accepted. If you wish to make your complaint anonymous, please contact the Student Discipline Manager to discuss this further
- Any person named in the complaint will be notified and information within the complaint will be shared with them
Complaint through MyWaikato
You can make a complaint at any time, however, we do ask for these to be lodged within a timely manner.
If a complaint includes allegations about another individual, that person will be provided with a copy of all relevant documentation, including a copy of the complaint.
Complaints submitted through MyWaikato cannot be anonymous. If you are concerned that there might be negative consequences if your name was revealed, you can discuss this matter in confidence with the Student Discipline Manager.
Once the complaint has been received, it will be allocated to the appropriate person or operational area. In most cases, complaints relating to issues concerning students will be referred to the Student Discipline Committee. Once investigated, the outcome will be communicated to you and any other relevant parties who have been involved.
The University’s Protected Disclosure Policy sets out the processes by which serious wrongdoing in the University may be reported and applies to students only in situations where the Student Complaints Procedures are not appropriate. Serious wrongdoing has the meaning defined in the Protected Disclosures Act 2000 and includes the following types:
- an unlawful, corrupt, or irregular use of funds or resources of the University of Waikato
- an act, omission or course of conduct that constitutes a serious risk to public health, public safety or the environment
- an act, omission or course of conduct that constitutes a serious risk to the maintenance of law, including the prevention, investigation, and detection of offences and the right to a fair trial
- an act, omission or course of conduct that constitutes an offence
- an act, omission or course of conduct by a public official that is oppressive,
- improperly discriminatory or grossly negligent, or that constitutes gross mismanagement
Please contact your HR Advisor.