Welcome to the Centre for Global Studies in Education (CGSE)
New Zealand's first centre of its kind, founded in 2012. Our mandate spans research, scholarship, publications, conferences, seminars, and postgraduate teaching in global studies.
CGSE is a multi-disciplinary Centre which provides national and international leadership in two different but interconnected areas:
- In Global Studies we link to four University of Waikato study areas (Education, Law, Arts and Social Sciences) and from Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi.
- In Philosophy of Education we link to Te Kura Toi Tangata School of Education, School of Arts, School of Social Sciences and with the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia (PESA).
Global Studies in Education (GSE) explores and researches the educational dimensions of global processes, interconnectivity, and intercultural education. It builds upon the traditions of comparative and international education programmes to explore:
- education policy and governance
- global citizenship and education
- global youth cultures and identities
- new media and popular cultures
- the politics of social identities
- gender, class and racial inequalities
- the political economy of knowledge production
- philosophy of Education
- sustainability and development
- the new global ecologies of learning
- open education
- the ‘glocal’ teacher
- children & poverty
- interculturalism & dialogue
CGSE’s experts are experienced and available to conduct national and international research, consultation and evaluation programs for public and private organisations, government departments, non-government organisations (NGOs) and multinational corporations. We are available to research across various disciplines within New Zealand and internationally.