What is Studiosity?

Studiosity is an external organisation. Studiosity is a free online platform for all undergraduate and taught postgraduate students, available 24/7. Each student has access to additional writing support provided by trained tutors. You can have a maximum of ten submissions each, every six months, so you need to consider carefully which assignments you wish to submit to Studiosity for feedback.

How does Studiosity work?

Upload a sample of your writing to Studiosity and receive written feedback within 24 hours. The Studiosity team will provide tailored comments on grammar, spelling, structure, and readability to show you where to focus attention for improvement.

This service does not check whether you have answered your assignment task. If you need assistance on study skills or how to interpret assignment instructions (or you would like to discuss another academic learning matter), please contact Student Learning.

How to access Studiosity

You can access your free Studiosity account through your Moodle papers.

Screenshot of Moodle paper showing link to Studiosity under the paper outline

Click on the ‘Studiosity’ link and you’ll be taken into your account. You’ll need to create a 4-digit PIN, so make sure you make it something you will remember.

If you have trouble with accessing your account, you can email Studiosity directly at hello@studiosity.com

How to upload to Studiosity

Once you have opened Studiosity, here's information about what you do: (tap the image below to open the slides).

Image of first page of slide of information about how to upload to Studiosity. Click to open file.

Student experience

A Waikato student shares her experience of Studiosity.

How can Student Learning help?

Student Learning can help you understand the feedback provided by the Studiosity Subject Specialist. Likewise, if you need assistance on study skills or how to interpret assignment instructions (or you would like to discuss another academic learning matter), please request a Student Learning consultation

image comparing notes between studiosity and written comments.


In Hamilton: Phone: 07-838 4657 | Walk in: Level 1, The Student Centre/Te Manawa, room M.1.04 | Email: slsadmin@waikato.ac.nz | Office hours: Reception: Mon-Fri 8.30am to 3.00pm | Student Learning: 8.30am to 5pm