health nursing and sport

Master of Health, Sport and Human Performance

Masters Degree MHSHP
health nursing and sport

The Master of Health, Sport and Human Performance sets you up with a research-based qualification teaching you to critically examine how political, cultural, social and economic factors influence the meaning and nature of sport, exercise and leisure.

This qualification is not currently available for new enrolments

180 points, 1.5 years

Hamilton, Tauranga

Papers offered differ by location. The Catalogue of Papers has full location info.

Trimester A (March)

Master of Health Sport and Human Performance Thumbnail image

Why study the Master of Health, Sport and Human Performance?

While studying the Master of Health, Sport & Human Performance (MHSHP), you'll explore how sociological perspectives; psychological and physiological factors influence movement and performance in sport and exercise. Throughout your course of study you'll receive opportunities to get involved in real world research to make a difference in people’s lives, as well as connect with elite athletes and teams.

Te Huataki Waiora School of Health boasts world-renowned active researchers and lecturers who have international expertise and reputations. Throughout your course of study you'll receive opportunities to get involved in real-world research to make a difference in people’s lives, as well as equipping you with the practical skills to work in contexts that are relevant to you.

You will work in our high-tech laboratories at the Cambridge Avantidrome or the University of Waikato Adams Centre for High Performance in Tauranga, and will benefit from our collaborative relationships established with local organisations. These partnerships bring about opportunities for you to connect with elite athletes and teams for research including; Waikato Chiefs, BoP Magic, Cycling NZ and community organisations such as Parafed Waikato, Sport Waikato and working relationships with Paralympics New Zealand and Special Olympics New Zealand.

The MHSHP is a flexible degree, giving you the option to tailor the programme to meet your needs. Our staff hold the expertise to supervise a diverse range of projects, and you have the option of completing your degree over one year full-time, or part time while working.

Study flexibly

At masters level you can study a range of papers. The MHSHP usually comprises 180 points (500 level) including required and optional papers. You are required to choose one or more option(s) from the below. You can also pursue an area of interest in greater depth by undertaking a research project or thesis, under one of our expert supervisors. You are required to take a research methods paper.

Parts of this qualification can be completed in Tauranga.

Career Opportunities

  • Applied Exercise Scientist/ Exercise Physiologist
  • Coach
  • Coach Educator
  • Coach Developer
  • Health, Physical Education or Dance Teacher
  • Human Movement or High Performance Manager
  • Outdoor Education Instructor/manager
  • Researcher in Health, Sport and Human Movement
  • Strength and Conditioning Coach
This qualification is not currently available for new enrolments

180 points, 1.5 years

Hamilton, Tauranga

Papers offered differ by location. The Catalogue of Papers has full location info.

Trimester A (March)

Degree information

Entry Requirements Fees and scholarships

Study in Tauranga

The MHSHP can be partially completed in Tauranga. You will work in our high-tech laboratory at the University of Waikato Adams Centre for High Performance which was established in partnership with the Tauranga City Council. It features a state-of-the-art chamber that allows for manipulation of heat, humidity and altitude for research, teaching and athlete acclimatisation purposes.

Scholarships and prizes

Visit our Scholarship Finder for information about possible scholarships


See the University of Waikato Calendar for all Regulations for the Master of Health, Sport and Human Performance.

To complete a MHSHP:

  • Students who qualified with a BHSHP must gain a further 180 points at 500 level.
  • Students who qualified with a BHSHP with at least second class honours (second division) or a PGDip Health, Sport and Human Performance must gain a further 120 points at 500 level.
  • All students must include a thesis (120 or 90 points), a dissertation (90 points) or a directed study (30 points).
  • All students must complete the papers prescribed in the University of Waikato Catalogue of Papers.

Current Research

  1. Physiology of Exercise and training adaptation, Dr Martyn Beaven
  2. Coaching research, Dr Robert Townsend
  3. Biomechanics and Injury Prevention, Dr Kim Hebert-Losier
  4. Sport and movement researchers, Dr Holly Thorpe and Dr Belinda Wheaton (Marsden Research Grant recipient researching sport in sites of war, conflict and disaster)
  5. Sleep and Energy Availability in Athletes, Dr Shannon O'Donnell
  6. Strength and Conditioning, Dr Daniel McMaster

Contact us

Te Huataki Waiora School of Health

Division Registrar

Postgraduate Advisor

Dr Robert Townsend
Room: TT.6.13