Merimeri Anania
Meet Merimeri Anania, a facilitator at Te Whai Toi Tangata: Institute of Professional Learning.
- MOE Accredited
- English Medium Accredited
- Maori Medium Accredited
- Communities of Learning / Kāhui Ako
- Embedding language, culture and identity
- Engaging whānau and communities
- Enhancing student agency
- Innovative Teaching and Learning
- Leading for Excellence
- Lifting student achievement
- Literacy and Te Reo Matatini
- Māori Medium
- Pakirehua
- Regionally Funded PLD
- Te Ara Reo Māori
2020 Master of Arts (Applied), University of Waikato
2013 PGDip Second Language Teaching (Distinction), University of Waikato
1992 Bachelor of Education, University of Waikato
1991 Diploma of Teaching, University of Waikato
My Experience
Ooku Puumanawa
Merimeri is an accredited facilitator and is able to work in both Maaori and English medium settings. She has taught in bilingual and rumaki units as well as Kura Kaupapa Maaori and Wharekura with previous facilitator roles in Te Reo Matatini and Hauora. She specialises in supporting English medium teachers with the teaching and learning of te reo Maaori as a second language. She is passionate about improving educational outcomes for Maaori, normalising te reo Maaori for all, language teaching and language revitalisation.
Ko te reo Māori te taahuuhuu o tooku whare hei whai oranga moo te iwi. Kei mate te reo, kei mate hoki ko au. Tiakina kia kore ai e ngaro!